Angel Reese did things last night I’m not sure we’ve ever seen on a basketball court I was like is this real did this happen Angel Reese just delivered one of the most embarrassing performances of her career and it wasn’t just about the stats it was about the way she completely fell apart on the court from Reckless play to unnecessary roughness Reese put together a disaster class performance that had everyone shaking their heads the lunar owls crushed the rose BC and uh angel well she did some rather interesting
things on the court and the FIA CER well look now uh one thing we could say uh uh uh they are not afraid of Angel Reese in the Rose BC because after hitting the game-winning shot nefisa had some real words towards Angel Reese but the best part nefisa Collier had enough of Reese’s Antics and made sure to teach her a lesson in the most way possible if you’re looking for a master class in how to Humble a trash talker you’re in the right place stick around because we’re breaking down every hilarious moment that exposed Angel
Reese for what she really is a player more focused on theatrics than actual basketball and trust me the numbers alone tell the whole story Angel Reese looks like a very dirty move under the [Music] basket first spot draws to Sling It Reese Angel Reese came into this game with her usual bravado acting like she was ready to take over but within minutes it became painfully obvious that she was more interested in showboating than actually contributing to her team’s success instead of playing smart she spent the game trying to intimidate her
opponents throwing Reckless passes and making one bad decision after another she’s going to go in and then after she hits it she going to bark her head off at Angel reee at to shoot Tig Smith matched up by gray to the ball W look at her she’s talking mad [ __ ] Queen Angel Reese was on neisa Coler giving her a bunch of frustrating bumps let’s get into the numbers because well they’re downright hilarious Reese turned the ball over seven times yes you read that right seven turnovers these weren’t just minor mistakes either we’re talking
about some of the most ridiculous errors you’ll ever see at the professional level at one point Reese threw the ball straight into the backboard rebounded her own pass like she was playing a game of catch with herself and then stood there looking confused as if she couldn’t believe what just happened Angel Reese rebounded her own pass I saw this and was like this can’t be real Ang ree thought she was playing dodgeball out there Reese’s overconfidence got the best of her as she took some of the most ridiculous
shots imaginable completely missing the mark when she wasn’t throwing up bricks she was out there trying to play bully ball constantly shoving and bodychecking nefisa CER in an attempt to get in her head Angel was eight for 16 for 17 points 10 boards last night seven damn turnovers neia caller right here seven of 16 she had 16 points nine rebounds but she had uh the most important thing the game winner last night but here’s where the real fun begins instead of letting Reese’s Antics get to her Collier did exactly what a real Pro does
she stayed locked in focused on the game and completely exposed Reese for the fraud she is every time Reese tried to get physical Collier responded the best way possible by torching her on the scoreboard I mean Angel ree is out there looking like a UFC fighter if you’re a Hoops fan if you’re a basketball fan and you watch this I don’t give a [ __ ] if you are Angel Reese fan you can’t tell me this is not a egregious they’re doing everything they have to do to sell this league Angel Reese’s desperation reached
a Breaking Point when she attempted one of the clumsiest defensive plays of the game trying to muscle her way into position she completely lost her footing and flopped to the ground like a bad actor in a lowbudget movie the best part the refs weren’t buying it no whistle no foul just an embarrassing moment that had fans shaking their heads Angel Reese is the most unskilled basketball player in the history of basketball in my opinion she has no skills she knows that she’s not a very good basketball player that’s why she spends so much time half
naked and taking pictures and promoting things that have nothing to do with basketball social media wasted no time roasting her for the ridiculous flop with fans pointing out that for all her talk about being a physical player she sure went down easy when it suited her it was another brutal reminder that while Reese loves playing the villain she doesn’t exactly Thrive when the pressure is on instead of stepping up and proving her dominance she resorted to Antics that only made her look more out of place this is Angel Reese the content creator
side it’s pretty clear basketball is her top priority I I cannot imagine how anybody could view this athlete in any other way it’s clear basketball is front and foremost this is all helping with things like shooting better from the field and missing layups she has no rhythm just like she can’t make a layup practice layups only fans incoming meanwhile NAA Collier stayed locked in she didn’t need to engage in the nonsense her performance spoke for itself while Reese was flailing around trying to make headlines for all the
wrong reasons Coler was delivering bucket after bucket proving exactly why she’s one of the best in the game every time Reese tried to get under her skin Collier responded with pure basketball excellence and just when you thought Reese’s Knight couldn’t get any worse she made one final laughable mistake with a chance to help her team mount a comeback she panicked under pressure and threw a pass straight into the hands of an opponent another turnover another wasted possession another moment of pure humiliation I
think Angel’s more concerned about being an influencer content creator over being a better basketball player this was her taking pictures hanging out with some rappers and producers Etc you think you could get a bucket in this format full court three on three you think I can get a bucket yeah if if if Angel re on my team yeah hell yeah by the end of the game the contrast between the two players was crystal clear Coler was the definition of professionalism poised disciplined and clutch Reese she was nothing more than an overhyped player
who let her emotions get the best of her it was a night to forget for Reese but for fans who have been watching her Antics All Season it was just more proof that she’s nowhere near the Superstar she claims to be this loss wasn’t just another game for reys it was an exposure of her Reckless undisciplined style of play while she’s built her brand on trash talk and drama games like this show exactly why she’s not in the same league as real stars like Collier or Caitlyn Clark the difference between talk and talent was put on full display
and Reese walked away with nothing but another embarrassing loss you got to see this clip one’s down court with the basketball three four steps ahead of everybody has an easy layup and throws it to the girl behind her no skills so Lexi Hall’s right here right she’s going to come out here she gets the ball going to pass it in the angel look at this folks that’s Lexi Hall wide ass open does she get the ball Angel not only did not pass the ball back out to Lexi hle but she missed another freaking layups Angel Reese
never want to take responsibility for her mistakes immediately went into damage control mode instead of acknowledging her Reckless play and poor performance she deflected pointing fingers at everyone except herself the refs her teammates the coaching staff even the court itself everything was to blame except for the one person actually responsible for her disaster of a night it was classic Reese Behavior act tough play recklessly and when things don’t go her way claim to be the victim to keep going it’s hard like it is hard to live
my life isn’t easy and I don’t want to get emotional but like that’s why I put the work in every day cuz like there are little girls that look up to me there are the college girls that look up to me um and just being able to be inspiration every day so that’s why I just try to keep going through all the negativity um at 22 it’s hard living this life but I’m grateful I’m blessed and I’m lucky to be around this group and being here in a rival has just been the best thing for me meanwhile Naf a clier and the lunar
owls were celebrating rightfully so Collier had done exactly what a true leader does stayed focused played smart basketball and delivered in the clutch she didn’t need to resort to cheap shots or trash talk her game spoke for itself while Reese was busy flailing around and barking at refs Collier was leading her team to Victory with poise and precision and when the moment came to shut Reese up for good Coler delivered with a game-winning shot and a well-earned cele right in ree’s face 3 weeks into the season and unrivaled is struggling to
sell out a studio that seats 800 people at some point TNT Sports is going to be like we ain’t making no money because we ain’t got no ratings and I mean they don’t have any ratings and she’s not pulling them she had a game last Saturday didn’t even make 80,000 viewers this person said you complain about everything professional life is different and you can’t seem to handle it and let’s not forget the internet social media had a field day with Reese’s meltdown the memes started rolling in almost immediately fans
roasted her seven turnovers her missed layups and of course her final possession blunder some even joked that she was trying to set a record for the most embarrassing plays in a single game one tweet summed it up perfectly Angel Reese talks like she’s Sha but plays like a YMCA Hooper who just learned the rules others pointed out how Reese’s entire game is built on unnecessary aggression rather than actual skill and this performance was just more proof of that but here’s where it gets even worse for Reese the WNBA is watching coaches
analysts and even her own teammates are starting to see the pattern her Reckless play isn’t helping anyone it’s not winning games it’s not improving her skills and it’s certainly not earning her respect from the League’s top players instead it’s making her a liability and if she doesn’t adjust her game soon she might find herself getting fewer minutes or worse becoming just another overhyped player who never lived up to the talk have some sportsmanship seriously now she’s still acting up running her mouth right here she
pointing out look you’re running your mouth get out of here the referee said I’m not listening to your smart ass mouth get out of here unbelievable Black History Month y’all know I had to be the first seriously so she just claimed that she got thrown out because she’s a victim of racism when it’s not going well for you claim racism she came out made it about race and got crushed let’s be real this was supposed to be a new era for Angel ree she came into the WNBA riding a wave of hype marketed as a GameChanger someone who could bring
energy attitude and dominance to the league but here’s the problem being a game changer requires skill discipline and Leadership what we saw from Reese in this game was the exact opposite it was undisciplined careless and at times straight up embarrassing compare that to to nefisa Collier she doesn’t need Antics to prove she’s one of the best she just goes out there and dominates the right way with skill composure and Leadership she took everything Reese threw at her absorbed it and then hit her where it hurt the most on the
scoreboard Angel Reese is never going to improve her basketball skills check this out um I see your Miss layups just like they do and everything but forget them yeah you know I mean I I’m Miss layups too so I mean miss last but they can’t get mad if I I get the rebound box me out yeah don’t be mad because your fade didn’t box her out that’s what I say I see your Miss layups like they do but forget them what the do you mean forget them the contrast between Collier and Reese couldn’t have been clearer one played with maturity the other with
Reckless arrogance one let her game do the talking the other let her mouth run while her game fell apart and in the end only one walked away with the win nafisa clier the true star of the night so what’s next for Angel Reese well if history is any indication she’ll probably double down on the excuses play the victim and pretend like none of this ever happened but the truth is she got humbled in the worst way possible the only question now is whether she’ll actually learn from it or if this is just another chapter in The NeverEnding
Saga of Angel Reese getting exposed this is why Angel Reese’s game is never going to get better y’all her mom telling her this and her fans are the same exact way zero accountability bro imagine this y’all you playing basketball in front of the whole world people have been constantly criticizing your game and you messing up on the court it’s all this film and everything about what you need to do better than what you’re messing up on and your mom and just sitting here telling you well forget them just just forget them bro
like that’s terrible advice like like we see why Angel re is the way that she is man look at how her mom is just talking to her telling her just forget them bro but then y’all are so mad that the world doesn’t like her and talk so much about her bro as for nafisa Collier she just reminded everyone why she’s the real deal she doesn’t need theatrics doesn’t need drama just pure skill composure and a winning mentality and after this game one thing is crystal clear Angel Reese is no Caitlyn Clark and she’s definitely
no NAFA Coler either ree can keep running her mouth but at the end of the day basketball will always expose the truth if she wants to be taken seriously she needs to focus on improving her game instead of flexing after every rebound like she just won a championship until then she’ll continue to be nothing more than a loud distraction while players like Collier and Clark cement themselves as the true future of the WNBA and then she’s like oh everybody misses L I’m so tired of this everybody misses layups thing yes a
whole bunch of basketball players Miss layups but people are not missing layups like Angel Reese bro statistically the worst finisher in the league so that means you’re last and at the bottom so that means you’re the worst and nobody is missing like you are y this is not rocket science Angel Rees GPA holders bro th this is not rocket science man this is amazing y’all just cannot keep it real with this girl bro that’s why she looks like she looks like an unrivaled that clip that just came out with her getting blocked by Brianna
Stewart like three times or so and then she finally made the shot bro that’s why her game looks like it is uh not even improved at all man as the final buzzer rang out Reese did what she always does she looked for someone else to blame she shot a glare at the refs shook her head in disbelief and acted as if the game had been stolen from her never mind the fact that she had single-handedly sabotaged her team with seven turnovers Reckless fouls and an inability to make a clutch shot when it mattered instead of owning up to her disastrous
performance she walked off the court with the same entitled attitude refusing to acknowledge that she had been completely outclassed didn’t know oh uh you got to box me out to get the bro you should be making the shot bro instead of sitting up here talking about oh people aren boxing you out and all of this [ __ ] like if you make this shot bro we wouldn’t be even sitting up here talking about these whole rebounds and over and over and that [ __ ] man but it’s crazy bro it’s crazy I came across that clip um I just saw somebody post it
uh today and I’m like damn bro no wonder this girl does not take accountability and let’s talk about the reaction because it was brutal the fans didn’t hold back as Reese exited the court she was met with a wave of jeers and social media wasted no time roasting her clip after clip of her worst plays flooded the internet with fans pointing out just how badly she had been exposed one minute she was flexing acting like she was the toughest player in the league and the next she was getting clowned for one of the most embarrassing
performances of her career what was supposed to be her moment to shine had turned into an absolute disaster fans of Angel Reese Barbie are upset by commentary from YouTube videos and social media platforms Angel re posted using my name for clicks is literally a drug we give people what they want whatever they want to see I’m not allowed to talk about her missing layups left and right but she can go on her podcast and talk about Caitlyn Clark or anything else that she wants to but her supporters oh they’re mad could you hit
a rim could you not airball to the thousands of people people that’s watching on TV it’s a pretty poor looking product on television the announcers simply pretended Angel Reese airball on the three didn’t happen meanwhile nafisa Collier got the last laugh both on the scoreboard and in the eyes of the basketball world she didn’t need to resort to trash talk or cheap shots she simply played smart disciplined basketball and delivered the ultimate dagger with a clutch game winning shot while Reese was busy trying to act
tough Collier was proving that true dominance comes from skill not Antics this game was more than just a loss for Reese it was a statement she walked in thinking she was the star but by the end of the night she was nothing more than a punchline and here’s the real problem for Reese this isn’t just a one-time thing this game exposed a pattern time and time again she has leaned on theatrics trying to intimidate opponents rather than actually outplaying them but when the competition gets real she Folds this was her chance to show she could
dominate on the big stage and instead she crumbled under the pressure now the big question is where does angel Reese go from here the tough girl act is wearing thin and after this humiliation people are starting to see through it the fans saw it the media saw it and most importantly her opponent saw it if she doesn’t change her approach this won’t be the last time she gets exposed so what do you think is this the beginning of the end for Angel Reese’s tough girl facade or will she finally learn from her mistakes let us know in
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